
News - Immer up to date mit iesy


In a nutshell: The latest information about our company, our projects and products. Learn what drives us. Videos, social media posts, scientific articles and many more: We keep you updated with new developments at iesy. If you require images, logos or interviews we’re happy to help you at

Release Candidate The background of the Open Standard Module
Open Standard Module by iesy

Shortly before this years exhibition embedded world the members of SGeT e.V. approved the 93-page release candidate for the new Open Standard Module.

Introduction to the Open Standard Module Our 13-week OSM campaign
Introduction to the Open Standard Module - Our 13-week OSM campaign

OS...what? If you still have no imagination about the advantages of Open Standard Modules - No worries! You will get an overview of all advantages of the new standard of the SGeT e.V. within our 13!!! week OSM campaign, from now on.

Coronaupdate Due to the current situation
Coronaupdate - Due to the current situation

Of course we are still available for you! During yesterday’s staff meeting, our employees were offered the opportunity to set up a home office, if the particular position permits this.

Exhibition update Update on our exhibition activities
Exhibition update - Update on our exhibition activities

Due to the current corona situation globally, here is an update on our exhibition activities for this year.

Conclusion on embedded world 2020 Although Corona virus we had many good meetings and chats
embedded world 2020 - iesy booth I-580

This year embedded world was held for the first time under such complex, global conditions - due to the SARS-CoV-2. There were numerous cancellations by many large companies. In total, about 900 of the expected 1150 exhibitors exhibited and only 13,800 of the 30,000 expected visitors came.

embedded world 2020 The leading international fair for embedded systems
embedded world 2020 - The leading international fair for embedded systems

The embedded world in Nuremberg is the most important and largest international exhibition for the embedded computer technology.

SPS 2019 Trade fair for industrial automation
SPS - Trade fair for industrial automation

SPS is the international exhibition for industrial automation and the annual highlight of the automation industry. It will take place from 26.11. to 28.11. in Nuremberg. 

MES Expo 2019 Trade fair for the electronics supplier industry of the mobility sector
MES Expo 2019

For the first time the Expo with iesy will take place from 5.-7.11.2019 in Berlin. The purpose of the MES Expo is to consider the requirements of the modern mobility holistically and therefore combines the areas of rail, commercial vehicles and automobiles.

embedded world 2019 Leading international fair for embedded systems from 26.02. to 28.02.2019
embedded world 2019 - Leading international fair for embedded systems from 26.02. to 28.02.2019

For the tenth time iesy will exhibit its products and services at the embedded world 2019 in Nuremberg. The focus this year will be on numerous customer-specific software and hardware solutions.

Research & Development Central innovation programme for SMEs supports iesy project
Research & Development - Central innovation programme for SMEs supports iesy project

In cooperation with the TH Köln/University of Applied Sciences, iesy is developing a hardware and software solution in the course of a ZIM project (central innovation programme), which secures communication. The development focuses on security and usability as well as on privacy.

iesy & friends Newsletter Stay in contact with us
Stay in contact with us

In times of Corona it is even more important to keep in touch. We recommend participating in iesy & friends for avoiding missing anything important through our newsletter!

Donation handover iesy hands over donation to the children's and young adults' hospice Balthasar
Donation handover - iesy hands over donation to the children's and young adults' hospice Balthasar

Balthasar children’s and young adults’ Hospice in Olpe - a place to live and laugh, to die and mourn.
iesy was able to collect numerous donations with “iesy advent calendar” for the children's and young adults' hospice also this year.